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7 years ago
@aplusburger Thank you, Allison, that would be awesome. We already have a couple of dedicated 'issues' on gitlab for proofreading (the list might not be complete, but you can create issues if needed) Here it is: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-docs/manuals/issues. You can use them to put your feedback in, if it's something that seems to need discussion (maybe because you don't know the functionality well), or you can edit directly in the book and let us know on the issue when a chapter is done. Also, when you have made any edits, don't forget to add yourself to the authors list ;-)
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7 years ago
@Moini Just checked out the link you shared and since I'm a native English speaker I will concentrate my efforts on
#3 listed in the README doc. I will also introduce myself and update my profile on Floss Manuals to better describe my skill set. Thank you so much for your help and I can't wait to get started. Allison
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7 years ago
@aplusburger Hi there, yes, we need some help in very different areas. Can you tell us a bit about your background - e.g. do you know how to edit html, or are you a native speaker of English, or are you an expert user or a new user of Inkscape etc.? Our editing guidelines and organizational things are described in this document at gitlab: https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-docs/manuals/blob/master/README.md . Please introduce yourself on the Inkscape docs mailing list, if you want to help with editing the book. If you want to provide feedback only, it's sufficient to contact us via 'issues' on gitlab. Thanks! See you there! Maren
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7 years ago
!beginners-manual-for-inkscape I am new to Floss Manuals, but still want to help! Anything I can do as a rookie?